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Installation Kits

The following table lists the latest MDSplus kits for Microsoft Windows systems. There are currently two flavors of MDSplus builds:

Flavor Description
Stable Tends to be more robust and well tested. New Features are promoted to Stable only once they have been tested thoroughly by users of the Alpha builds.
Alpha Represent builds of the head of the git repository. New features (and bugs) can appear at any time. You should not use the Alpha kits on any production system.

The following are the latest builds.

Older 7.x builds can be found following these links stable alpha

NOTE: If you are upgrading from a 6.x release of MDSplus please manually uninstall it before installing a 7.x version.

Below is the last 6.x version created:

Special Configuration Steps

Java Applications

MDSplus for Windows no longer includes the Java Run-time Environment in the installation kit. To run the Java applications (jScope and Traverser) provided with the MDSplus installation, you will need to also install either a Java Run-time Environment (JRE) or the Java Development Kit (jdk). These kits can be found on at Be sure to install either a JRE or a JDK kit found in "Downloads for developers". The download on the Oracle site entitled "Java for your computer" provides only the browser support for Java and is not sufficient to run the Java applications provided with MDSplus.

MDSIP services

In order to register MDSIP Data or Action services please install MDSplus for "all users" (administrator privileges required). This will add additional shortcuts to the startup menu you can use to add or remove mdsip services. If you skipped the start menu entry or if you want to add additional services, you can use the mdsip_service tool:

mdsip_service -i [-s] -p <port> -h <hostsfile>
mdsip_service -i -p 8000 -h "C:\multi.hosts"
mdsip_service -i -s -p 8100 -h "C:\multi.hosts"


MDSIP connection strings optionally contain a protocol clause, preceding the hostname. For example:


These can be used in mdsconnect calls, in thick-client tree specifications and in distributed client subtree search paths. To use ssh as the mdsip transport under windows an ssh client must be installed that supports windowless connections. Putty [1] will work, but SecureCRT will not. If using putty, follow the steps for setting up an ssh key without password, and installing its public part in your authorized_keys on the host computer you are connecting to. Put the private part of the key in some secure location on your PC. Then create a script called ssh.bat someplace in your PATH containing something equivalent to:

 "C:\Program Files\putty\plink" -i full-file-spec-of-your-id_rsa.ppk %1

You should then be able to define thick client trees:

 w7x_path ssh://

In your system environment variables. Or to mdsconnect mdsconnect('ssh://')