From MdsWiki
MDSplus Data in Mathematica
So, you probably thought, I'd love to analyse this data in Mathematica, and done something in IDL to get the data out of MDSplus and then read it back into Mathematica and then... well you get the idea. I've done it.
Well, I thought there must be a better way, but I didn't really want to right my own MDSplus - Mathematica link code. So, I didn't. I used a trick... its slower than it could be, but it works for me... maybe it works for you.
Presenting Darren's Mathematica -> J/Link -> MDSplus.jar link. There is a PURE Java MDSplus client. One may load it into a Mathematica session quite easily:
Needs["JLink`"]; InstallJava[]; AddToClassPath["/usr/local/mdsplus/java/classes/MdsPlus.jar"];
(This is the standard location when install MDSplus, but it can be found elsewhere in your system... in fact, if you don't have it MDSplus installed, you don't even need to.. just get this one file. (I would include it here, but I think the wiki won't let me upload a Java file... understandable.)
After that, you need to connect to an MDSplus server... this is a constructor for the MDSplus object you'll create. In this example, I'll connect to a fictional server at "".
MDSplus = JavaNew["MdsPlus.MdsPlus", "", 8000];
Then you can do the interesting things...
MDSplus = JavaNew["MdsPlus.MdsPlus", "", 8000]; MDSplus@OpenTree["ldx", 81217004]; data = MDSplus@Value["\ece_137"]@Double[]; time = MDSplus@Value["dim_of(\ece_137)"]@Double[]; range = MDSplus@Value["_t=dim_of(\ece_137),[minval(_t),maxval(_t)]"]@Double[] {-0.98304, 40.9599}
And of course, the proof... (BTW, I'm not a Mathematica guru, there is surely a better way to get a smart plot without having to decimate and force the range)
ListPlot[-data[[;; ;; 100]], DataRange -> range]
Lots more can be done.... here is some results of querying the underlying Java object. One uses the @ sign to reference the method calls in Mathematica.
Constructors["MdsPlus.MdsPlus"] MdsPlus(String, int) throws,, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException MdsPlus(String, int, Object) throws,, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException Methods["MdsPlus.MdsPlus"] static void Cancel(MdsPlus.MdsPlusEvent) void close() void CloseTree(String, int) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException static MdsPlus.MdsPlus connect(String, int, Object) throws,, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void connect(String, int) throws,, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void disconnect(Object) boolean equals(Object) static byte EventAst(MdsPlus.MdsPlusEvent, throws,, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException static byte EventAst(MdsPlus.MdsPlusEvent, String, int) throws,, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException Class getClass() int hashCode() void notify() void notifyAll() void OpenTree(String, int) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void Put(String, String, MdsPlus.MdsPlusDescriptor[]) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void run() void SetDefault(String) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void SetEvent(String) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException String toString() MdsPlus.MdsPlusDescriptor Value(String, MdsPlus.MdsPlusDescriptor[]) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException MdsPlus.MdsPlusDescriptor Value(String) throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void wait(long, int) throws InterruptedException void wait(long) throws InterruptedException void wait() throws InterruptedException Methods["MdsPlus.MdsPlusDescriptor"] byte[] Byte() throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException double[] Double() throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException boolean equals(Object) float[] Float() throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException Class getClass() String GetErrorString() int hashCode() int[] Int() throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException void notify() void notifyAll() short[] Short() throws, MdsPlus.MdsPlusException String String() String toString() void wait(long, int) throws InterruptedException void wait(long) throws InterruptedException void wait() throws InterruptedException Fields["MdsPlus.MdsPlusDescriptor"] [B data [I dims byte dtype static final byte DTYPE_CHAR static final byte DTYPE_COMPLEX static final byte DTYPE_CSTRING static final byte DTYPE_DOUBLE static final byte DTYPE_FLOAT static final byte DTYPE_INT static final byte DTYPE_SHORT static final byte DTYPE_UCHAR static final byte DTYPE_UINT static final byte DTYPE_USHORT int status
Good luck. --DTG 20:39, 27 January 2009 (EST)