Documentation:dt dispatch - MdsWiki
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Dispatch Data Type

MDSplus provides an dispatch data type used for specifying the dispatching information of an action. This determines where and when an automatic action should be executed during the course of a experiment cycle.

A dispatch item is a structure consisting of 5 parts; dispatch type, server, phase, when, and completion. The dispatch type part specifies the type of scheduling to be done. Currently only one type of dispatching is supported in MDSplus and that is sequential scheduling (value=2). This field should contain an integer value of 2.

The server part specifies the server that should execute the action. For tcpip based action servers this field should contain a string such as host:port where host is the tcpip hostname of the computer where the action server is running and the port is the port number on which the action server is listening for actions to perform. For DECNET based action servers (OpenVMS only), this should be a string such as host::object where the host is the DECNET node name and the object is the DECNET object name of the action server.

The phase part of a dispatch item is either the name or number corresponding to the phase of the experiment cycle. These would normally be phases such as "store", "init","analysis" etc. but the names and numbers of the phases can be customized by the MDSplus system administrator by modifying the TDI function phase_table().

The when part normally contains either an integer value or an expression which evaluates to an integer value representing a sequence number. When the dispatcher (implemented by a set of mdstcl dispatch commands) builds a dispatching table, it finds all the actions defined in a tree and then sorts these actions first by phase and then by sequence number. Actions are then dispatched to servers during a phase in order of their sequence numbers (except for actions with sequence numbers less than or equal to zero which are not dispatched). There is a special case for the when part which enables you to set up dependencies on other actions. If instead of specifying a sequence number for the when part, you specify an expression which references other action nodes in the tree, this action will not be dispatched until all action nodes referenced in the expression have completed. When all the actions referenced in the expression have completed, the expression is then evaluated substituting the completion status of the referenced actions instead of the action node itself. If the result of the evaluation yields an odd number (low bit set) then this action will be dispatched. If the result is an even value then this action is not dispatched but instead assigned a failure completion status in case other actions have when expressions refering to it. Using this mechanism you can configure fairly complex conditional dispatching.

The completion part can hold a string defining the name of an MDSplus event to be declared upon completion of this action. These events are often used to trigger updates on visualization tools such as dwscope when this action completes indicating availability of the data.

The following shows some examples of creating and accessing an MDSplus action. These examples are written in TDI (the MDSplus expression evaluator language).


The above example builds an action item consisting of a dispatch item and a metho item. The dispatch item is specifying that this action should be run on the action server called "CAMAC_SERVER" during the "STORE" phase using sequential scheduling, executed after all actions with sequence numbers between 1-49 have completed. When this action completes the dispatcher should issue the MDSplus event called "A12_42_DONE"). The task portion of the action is a method item specifying the "STORE" action is to be performed on the A14_42 (tree node) device.

Normally actions are defined using tools such as the "traverser" and "actions" applications and the contents of actions are referenced by action dispatchers so you rarely need to build or access the parts of actions, dispatch and method items by hand.

The following table lists some of the functions available for creating and accessing actions:

Function Description
BUILD_DISPATCH Build a dispatch structure
COMPLETION_OF Return the completion part (event) of a dispatch item
IDENT_OF Return the server part of a dispatch item
MAKE_DISPATCH Make an dispatch structure
PHASE_OF Return the phase part of a dispatch item
WHEN_OF Return the when part of a dispatch item