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Floating Point Data Types in MDSplus

MDSplus supports several formats of floating point values including several types of floating values found on OpenVMS systems as well as the more common IEEE standard floating representations. Floating point data can be stored in any of the various types of floating point values. The floating point values will be converted to "native" floating point types when application referent the data. You may have applications running on an OpenVMS system storing data in Vax F_FLOAT format but an application running on a Unix system will receive IEEE format data when it accesses the data.

Like most programming languages, when operations are performed with values of different size, the values are converted to a common size (the largest of the values being operated on) before performing the operation. For example, if you were to add a single precision floating point value with a double precision value the single precision valu would first be converted to a double precision before performing the add operation.

Floating point data can be simple scalar values or regular arrays with one to seven dimensions. When loaded into MDSplus trees, floating point arrays may be compressed using a non-destructive delta compression algorithm automatically depending on the characteristics of the node in the tree where the data is being stored. Decompression of this data occurs automatically when the data is referenced. While floating point data does not generally compress as well as integer data, it is not uncommon to see a floating point data reduced to one half of its original size.

Expression evaluator (TDI) operations used on Floating Point Data Types

The following table lists some of the more common operations performed on floating point datatypes:

Function Description
ABS Absolute Value
ABS1 Absolute Value with L1 norm
ABSSQ Absolute Value Squared
ACOS Arc Cosine
ACOSD Arc Cosine (degrees)
ADD (+) Add
AIMAG Imaginary part of complex
AINT Truncation to a whole number
ANINT Nearest whole number
ARG Argument of complex number in radians
ARRAY Construct array (uninitialized values)
ASIN Arc Sine
ASIND Arc Sine (degrees)
ATAN Arc Tangent
ATAN2 Arc Tangent
ATAND Arc Tangent (degrees)
ATAN2D Arc Tangent (degrees)
ATANH Hyperbolic Arc Tangent (degrees)
BSEARCH Binary search in sorted table
BYTE Convert to 8-bit signed data type
BYTE_UNSIGNED Convert to 8-bit unsigned data type
CEILING Smallest whole number above argument
CMPLX Convert to complex
CONDITIONAL (test ? a : b) Select from 2 sources based on test value
CONJG Conjugate of complex number
COS Cosine
COSD Cosine (degrees)
COSH Hyperbolic Cosine
CVT Convert to other data type
DBLE Double the precision, 8-bit values become 16-bit etc.
DECOMPILE Convert to text representation
DIAGONAL Create a diagonal matrix
DIGITS Number of significant digits
DIM (/) Positive difference
DIVIDE (/) Divide
DOT_PRODUCT Dot-product multiplication
DPROD (/) Double precision product
DTYPE_RANGE (/) Build range
D_FLOAT (/) Convert to DTYPE_D
ELBOUND Lower bound of array
EPSILON (/) Smallest positive value
EQ (==) Tests for equality
ESHAPE Return shape of array or scalar
ESIZE Total number of elements of array
EUBOUND Upper bound of array
EXP Exponential
FINITE True if not missing or reserved value
FIX_ROPRAND Replace missing or reserved value
FLOAT Convert to floating point
FLOOR Largest whole number less than or equal to arg
FRACTION Fractional part
F_COMPLEX Convert to DTYPE_F complex
F_FLOAT Convert to DTYPE_F
FS_COMPLEX Convert to DTYPE_FS complex
FT_COMPLEX Convert to DTYPE_FT complex
GE (>=) Test for first greater or equal to second
GT (>) Test for first greater than second
G_COMPLEX Convert to DTYPE_G complex
G_FLOAT Convert to DTYPE_G
HUGE Largest value of this data type
INT Convert to signed integer
INT_UNSIGNED Convert to unsigned integer
LASTLOC Locate trailing edges of a set of true elements of a logical mask
LBOUND Lower bound of array
LE (<=) Test for first less than or equal to second
LOG Natural logarithm
LOG10 Logarithm base 10
LOG2 Logarithm base 2
LONG Convert to 32-bit signed integer
LONG_UNSIGNED Convert to 32-bit unsigned integer
LT (<) Test for first less than second
MAP Element selection from an array
MAX Maximum of argument list
MAXEXPONENT Maximum exponent
MAXLOC Determine location of maximum value
MAXVAL Maximum value in an array
MEAN Average value of the elements of an array
MERGE Merge two arrays
MIN Minimum of argument list
MINEXPONENT Minimum exponent
MINLOC Determine location of minimum value
MINVAL Minimum value in an array
MOD Remainder
MULTIPLY (*) Multiply
NE (!=) Test for inequality
OCTAWORD Convert to 128-bit value
OCTAWORD_UNSIGNED Convert to 128-bit unsigned value
PACK Pack and array under control of mask
POWER Raise number to power
PRECISION The decimal precision
PRODUCT Product of all elements of an array
QUADWORD Convert to 64-bit integer
QUADWORD_UNSIGNE Convert to 64-bit unsigned integer
RADIX The base of the datatype
RANDOM Random number
RANGE The range of the datatype
RANK Number of dimensions
REAL Convert to real
RRSPACING The reciprocal of the spacing of datatype
SCALE Change exponent
SET_EXPONENT Change exponent
SET_RANGE Set array bounds
SHAPE Shape of array
SIGNED Convert to signed integer
SIN Sine
SIND Sine (degrees)
SINH Hyperbolic Sine
SIZE Total number of elements in an array
SIZEOF Total number of bytes
SORT Make index list of ascending array
SORTVAL Rearrange array in ascending order
SPACING Absolute spacing near arg
SPREAD Replicate an array by adding a dimension
SQRT Square root
SQUARE Product of number with itself
SUBSCRIPT Pick certain elements of array
SUBTRACT (-) Subtract
SUM Sum all elements of array
TAN Tangent
TAND Tangent (degrees)
TANH Hyperbolic Tangent
TEXT Convert to text
TINY Smallest positive number
UBOUND Upper bound of array
UNION Union of sets keeping only unique values
UNSIGNED Convert to unsigned value
WORD Convert to 16-bit integer
WORD_UNSIGNED Convert to 16-bit unsigned integer
ZERO Create array initialized to zero